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Computational biostatistics student stipends

Reliable interpretation of genomic information makes unprecedented demands for innovations in statistical methodology and its application to biological systems. This unique opportunity drives research at the Statomics Lab of the Ottawa Institute of Systems Biology (http://www.statomics.com). The Statomics Lab seeks students who will conduct original research involving the application of novel statistical methods to the analysis transcriptomics, proteomics, metabolomics, and/or genome-wide-association data while earning a graduate degree in Mathematics and Statistics. For information on careers in statistics, see http://tiny.cc/Rqvnf and http://amstat.org/careers/.

Intellectual curiosity and high mathematical aptitude are essential, as is the ability to quickly code and debug computer programs. Strong self motivation, good communication skills, and a degree in bioinformatics, computer science, mathematics, physics, statistics, any field of engineering, or an equally quantitative field are also absolutely necessary. The following qualities are desirable but not required: coursework in computer science, numerical methods, numerical analysis, software engineering, statistics, and/or biology; familiarly with BUGS, R, S-PLUS, C, Fortran, and/or LaTeX; experience with UNIX or Linux.

To be considered, send a PDF CV that has your GPA and contact information of two references to dbickel@uOttawa.ca with the degree sought (MSc or PhD) in the Subject line of the message and with a cover letter in the body of the message. Only those students selected for further consideration will receive a response.

Categories: applications welcome
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